A “Tiger” who showed his teeth without biting his tongue. Chennault was a well-known and heroic figure in America during World War II, due largely to his command of the Flying Tigers in China. The American Volunteer Group—its official name—suited...
Creator, Innovator, and Advocate for an Independent Air Force.
Eaker was an outstanding pilot. He had a degree in journalism, and he used that expertise to write and promote the cause of airpower.
As he put it: “Bombers drop bombs. Fighter pilots fight. It was simply the way it was meant to be.”
Although coming to aviation late in life—he learned to fly at age 59—Patrick soon recognized the potential of the air weapon.
An Aviator Even Before the Army Had Airplanes.
He learned independence, initiative, creativity, and leadership. These traits would make him a remarkable officer. It was those same traits that would get him in trouble.
Bernard Schriever was an effective organizer and manager, but also an adept leader who inspired loyalty among his subordinates.
April 27, 2023 | By
Phillip S. Meilinger
Rickenbacker was a fearless and aggressive hunter. He would never admit defeat and rejected any attempts at sentimentality.
March 31, 2023 | By
Phillip S. Meilinger
The Books Every Airman Should Read to Understand America’s Lost War in Southeast Asia.
Sometimes getting to real knowlege takes some digging.
The mission began in World War I and has been employed with varying success but increasing importance.
The 1940 Norway campaign showed how modern warfare would require airpower and joint operations.
The fog of war can be deadly and tragic.
In the late 1940s, the Soviets had millions of men under arms, but the US had nuclear weapons and airp
The airmen charged with delivering nuclear weapons were often kept in the dark about the revolutionary
The Strategic Bombing Survey authoritatively determined that the B-29 campaign played a decisive role
The US Strategic Bombing Survey chronicled a cascading, cataclysmic failure throughout the German eco
In nine days during July 1941, air war planners on Hap Arnold’s staff put together a bold plan for the
In numerous campaigns and wars, airpower turned out to be the “force of decision.”